Monday, August 20, 2012

Abby likes sweet corn

On Friday evening Grandpa Don and Grandma Sue stopped by for a visit on their way back to Iowa from the cabin. Grandpa and I were husking corn for supper and Abby was playing on the deck until she got fussy. At that point, Grandpa Don held her and she helped husk the corn. She would grab part of the husk, pull and grunt and try to get it off the corn. After helping with an ear or two Abby decided she wanted to eat the corn rather than just husking it and setting it aside, so she did. Ummm. She really liked it and appears to prefer it raw rather than cooked. I did eventually cook the corn on the grill and I cut off a small piece of an ear so she could eat her corn on the cob like the rest of us which she thoroughly enjoyed and kept her occupied for a good deal of time during our supper.

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