Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ahhhh, Summer!

Well, not quite, but at least it feels like summer! Today we set up the pool in the backyard (a new, larger inflatable pool) and had loads of fun playing in it. The boys were outside in the pool for almost 5 hours in the afternoon and Abby enjoyed 2 hours in the pool. Most of their enjoyment was spent in running in and out of the pool rather than sitting in it, but who can blame them when the water is only 6 inches deep? The best part was when I moved our little play structure with a small slide (like a 2 foot slide) over to the pool and for the last hour they took turns going down the slide and splashing into the pool over and over and over. The boys eventually moved on to bypassing the slide, preferring to jump from the platform above the slide directly into the pool. I gave them adequate warning about possibly slipping or stubbing toes or stuff like that, but let them have their fun in their own way and we avoided any major injuries.

Abby had never worn a swimsuit before so she complained "Tight, tight!" when I first put it on, but I finally convinced her that it was supposed to be tight. She didn't have any problems with it after that, until it was time to take it off, then it was "Tight, tight!" again. But she certainly warmed up to "swimming" and ended up being the most soaked despite spending the least amount of time swimming. She doesn't have much of a problem with being splashed or lying down in the water. She doesn't submerge herself completely (thank goodness!), but she is definitely the water baby of the bunch and will need extremely close supervision next to water as she just isn't afraid of it at all!

The boys are also warming up to swimming and getting splashed as they just simply do not like any water in the faces or eyes. Getting water in their eyes is really quite a calamity for those two, although they are improving. Sam's swim lessons this past winter I think helped him become more comfortable with water and Matthew, well, we're still working on it. I think it's probably better having them super afraid than not afraid at all, at least from a safety point, but it sure makes getting their hair and faces washed up a bit difficult. Nevertheless, they still have fun playing in the pool, just keep the water out of their eyes.

I'll finish up my London posts soon in case anyone was wondering what happened to the rest of our trip.

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