Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Recent events

Two nights ago when Jason and I went up to bed, this is what I saw in Sam's room. On occasion we find that Matthew has sneaked into Sam's room and they were having a sleepover. So peaceful.

The other day I got out the paints for the kids to have some painting time. We've been doing a lot of painting lately and generally I just let Abby use markers, but this time I gave her some paint and a brush and let her paint. This is what she did.

Sam has become more intentional in his painting lately. I don't know whether he has in mind what he wants to paint from the beginning or if he comes up with a story after he starts putting paint on paper, but either way, each mark on his paper represents something. For example, one of the marks on his paper is a triceratops. He work is rather abstract at this point.

On Labor Day, we had the extended Kirchhoff family over for some fun and all the cousins had a great time. Here's Abby enjoying herself with Josh. It's a nice change to have Abby enjoying herself around our extended family rather than crying and screaming and clinging to Mommy as she used to do when she was just a bit younger. She's come a long way...

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