Saturday, March 1, 2014

New sleeping arrangements

The boys got bunk beds two weeks ago. We were needing to get Matthew a bigger bed, since he was still in his crib/toddler bed from when he was a baby, and decided to get bunk beds rather than a separate bed for Matt. Reason being that Sam and Matthew would often sleep together (either in Sam's bed or Sam would sleep in Matthew's room on the floor) because Sam has a bad case of the "scares" in which he's scared of everything and doesn't want to go to sleep. The boys enjoy each other's company and don't keep each other up too much, so we thought a bunk bed would be fun and maybe alleviate the "scares". So we got the beds put together to much fanfare and got the boys off to bed a few weeks ago. When we checked on them on that first night, Matthew had moved his blanket and pillow up to the top bed and was sleeping with Sam. Sam's head was on one end and Matthew's was on the other. There was also a jumble of books between the two of them.

In the morning I asked Matthew why had slept with Sam and he told me he had a bad dream. I then said that he could sleep on his own bed that night, rather than with Sam as his bad dream was done. He then replied that he hadn't finished his dream and would need to sleep with Sam again. So he slept with Sam again and that has been the arrangement these past two weeks. They get to sleep probably a little later than they did before sharing a room, but the disruption isn't really too much and they get up at about their normal time. However, now when they get up, Sam doesn't come in our room and Matthew doesn't (always) scream for us, they play with eachother until their clock turns yellow. Mostly they're quiet with they're playing, so it's really been quite a good deal for everyone involved.

But the "scares" have returned for Sam, despite Matthew's presence. He has fears of the closet, of certain books, of dark rooms down the hall (like Jason and my bedroom), and of other random house noises. It doesn't seem to be quite as bad as before, but I guess that's just the age he's at for now. Regardless, they boys love their "new" room and sleeping arrangement. We wonder how long they'll want to share a bed, and even how long they'll want to share a room. For now, they love it and it makes all of our lives a little bit happier.

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