Thursday, December 16, 2010

All about Matthew

I thought today I'd write some about Matthew as his posts are often limited to sleeping and other bodily functions. But he does other stuff too. Like yesterday and today it sure seems like he is waving. I got some video of it. You can determine for yourself what he's really doing. Maybe he's just flailing his arms around. That's entirely possible.

And he is eating like crazy these days. Two weeks ago he decided that he likes solids. For about a month prior to that I would mix up some cereal, he'd eat a bite or two and be done. He just wasn't interested. He would chew on the spoon for a long time, but didn't want any food on it. I wasn't too worried because he is obviously sturdy enough without the solids, but I was hoping he take to them pretty soon and give me a break from providing milk.

So now he's eating probably a few tablespoons of cereal and a few tablespoons of veggies or fruit once a day. His favorites seem to be peaches and sweet potatoes. The peas always get a funny face out of him and reluctance to try any more. We'll keep trying though. Matthew also likes to be involved in the solid feeding. So here's the strategy. I use two spoons. I scoop up a little bit of food and hold the spoon about 8 inches in front of Matthew. When he's ready, he reaches out and grabs the spoon. I push it toward him so he ends up grabbing the handle and not the scoop. Then Matthew and I direct it into his mouth. He holds onto the spoon for awhile, chewing and sucking while I load up the other spoon with some more food. Then I hold the new spoon in front of him. When's he ready he drops the old spoon (hopefully on the tray, but often on the floor which I why I cover it with newspapers) and grabs the new spoon. This process repeats until Matthew is done. It's really pretty easy to tell when he's done. He simply will not look at the spoon with more food on it again. He plays with his bib, makes fists and squishes around the food in his hand or looks around, but he very distinctly will not look at the spoon with food. It's amazing how kids can communicate at such a young age.

On a final note, I finally finished Jason's sweater. I started it two months ago and it's done. 

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