Monday, March 7, 2011

Sam's new clock

I mentioned last week that we were having problems with Sam getting up early and coming into our room. Well, the idea of having him wait until we opened his door in the morning worked one morning. Yes, just once. Then he continued coming into our room at 6 or so and we'd take him back. He would, in typical toddler fashion, delay getting back into bed by saying, "Cover up, blanket!" indicating that he needed lots of help to get covered up properly so he could get back into bed and yesterday he even tried another delay tactic, the "Mommy, I'm poopy" tactic, although he was not poopy and I told him to go back to bed.

So on Friday I had enough and ordered a toddler clock. It's like a clock with a night light and at night there's a blue light and in the morning you can set it to a wake up time and then the color changes to yellow and plays a little wake up tune. It arrived today and this afternoon we practiced using it. Sam's first practice round was hilarious, so Jason had to get some video of our next practice and here it is...

Where does Sam get his boisterous energy upon getting out of bed from? Here's an indication...

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