Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Here are a few pictures of what we've been doing lately. Matthew was engaging in one of his favorite activities, snack time and he's also enjoying reading a lot these days. He finds a place where he can sit by himself and takes a book and "reads" for awhile. In the past he preferred to read on the stairs, but lately he's been climbing onto the two-shelf unit that we have our CD player and other electronic devices on. He's just recently figured out how to climb onto it and it's a favorite spot of his these days. I need to take a picture of him in his reading nook sometime, but for now, enjoy Matthew's profile during snack.

One of Sam's favorite activities lately has been putting together a large floor fire truck puzzle. He needs a lot of assistance (and he milks Jason or my presence for all we're worth...meaning that he is capable of more than he shows sometime when he's putting the puzzle together...) so we help him put it together on the floor. We can only do this when Matthew is napping or in bed already as he's just not a good contributor to the whole process, preferring instead to pull pieces off the puzzle, walk around with random pieces and drop them places or excitedly walk on the finished puzzle. Anyway, Sam asks daily these days to put together the puzzle when Matthew is napping and after he goes to bed. So we do. When Sam finishes he does a "Puzzle completion dance" which involves happily running back and forth across the puzzle and doing his unique dance moves. It's worth seeing in person if you ever get the chance.

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