Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Abby's 1 Mo. update

Hi Kids, I know that someday making comparisons between all of you will not be the wisest thing to do (for example, comparing grades and how one behaves in school), but for now, I think I am safe to compare your growth charts as you are still so little. And someday you won't want me to include your weight statistics either. I certainly wouldn't want mine posted on a blog. Anyway, Abby had her 1 mo. appt. on Monday, so I pulled out Sam and Matthew's stats from that age to see how you all are stacking up against each other. Here they are:

Abby-10 lb. 5 oz (50th percentile)
Matthew-12 lb. 14 oz. (WOW!!!--100+ percentile, whatever that means)
Sam-10 lb. 6 oz.  (50th percentile)

Abby-22 in (80th percentile)
Matthew-23.25 in (95th percentile)
Sam-22.5 in (90th percentile)

So...Abby looks like she could hold her own against Sam, but I don't think either of them would want to take Matthew on at 1 mo. of age. Abby, you certainly held your own during your appointment. I was expecting extensive amounts of screaming, but you only screamed in the waiting room while I frantically tried to fill out the paperwork I was given and calm you (unsuccessfully) at the same time. We were called back and when I placed you on the exam table to get undressed, you stopped crying and didn't cry until you got a booster shot at the end of the appointment. All the poking and prodding, shining bright lights in eyes and ears, rubbing your tummy and back and feet and you just looked around bright-eyed, like a perfect angel. I got you partially dressed, then you got your shot and cried for a few minutes after that. I was really stunned, or shocked, that you didn't cry until your shot. The nurse was surprised too and said that no baby has ever not cried at the shot, but not crying through the entire appt. is unusual. You are one calm and cool kiddo. Only a select few really know the truth, though.

Lastly, I know I mentioned I would post a pic of Matthew wearing a tractor shirt, but I can't find the cord to connect the camera to the computer, so it will have to wait. I bet when you kids are older you will be astounded to read that we once had to use cords to connect cameras to computers (how archaic!), but that's how it is now and it's one more piece for me to lose track of. And I got some good pictures of Sam wearing Jason's work boots and a t-shirt. Yep, no pants. Well, time for me to go to bed. Love, Mom

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