Friday, December 9, 2011

Coinciding naps

After a morning of being out and about (actually we just went to MOPS --Mothers of Preschoolers--at church this morning) all the kids are sleeping and they have all overlapped for nearly 2 hours! Wow! I am experiencing some new found freedom and don't know what to do with myself. I've so gotten into my head that I will be interrupted in moments that I rarely start any project more complicated than making grilled cheese, but alas, Abby is napping longer and better and the boys, as always, are being good little nappers.

So I've been browsing for yarn on the web for a while, keeping on thinking I will be interrupted at any moment, and alas, I am still browsing yarn without interruption. Had I known this would happen, oh the cookies I could have made, the dinner I could have prepped, the workout I could have gotten...if only I had known.

This napping break didn't come about without turmoil, though. After MOPs we were driving home around 11:45 and Abby was, (as she almost always does) crying/screaming for most of the trip. She stopped a few miles from home and I hoped she had fallen asleep, but when we got home, she was wide awake. I brought her into the house and got the boys inside. She proceeded to scream and scream while I got the boys out of their coats and shoes and went to the bathroom. Matthew proceeded to cry and cry as he was super hungry. Sam was also out of sorts as he had peed his pants on the way home. That's how it goes these days. I prioritized: Sam undressed, pick up Abby, feed Matthew, and went about taking care of my kiddos. Sam was undressed and clothes thrown in washer. Abby was screaming (face bright red by now), Matthew was crying. I got Abby out of the carseat and she immediately calmed down and pretty much fell asleep on my shoulder as I started to put together lunch. What can I put together with one hand, I wondered, as I didn't want to put Abby down quite yet to make sure she was fully recovered from her crying/screaming outburst. I pulled out yogurt and graham crackers. At least they were getting protein, dairy and carbs. Sorry, boys, no veggies or fruit for lunch. That's how it goes these days. Matthew calmed down. Sam was still half naked, but at least out of dirty pants.

I swaddled and changed Abby, took her up to her crib which immediately produced sleep. Wow. THat in and of itself is a miracle. Brought Sam some new clothes and helped him get dressed and dished out more yogurt and graham crackers. Then I sat down with the boys and enjoyed some peace and quiet. Uh oh,the two little ones just woke up within moments of each other. Back to work.

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