Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy Birthday, Matthew! (a day early...)

Matthew turns two tomorrow. Wow, what an amazing two years. Matthew is such a nice, enjoyable kid. He can be very independent and obstinate, but he also knows how to make people laugh and brings joy to our lives. Today we celebrated Matthew's 2nd birthday with the Kirchhoff family. The kids played some, then we opened gifts and enjoyed pizza and birthday cupcakes. 

 Matthew was quite a happy camper during dinner and when we got his cupcake out he was even more excited, as you can see from the picture below. However, when we lit the candle and started singing "Happy Birthday" he became very serious and wouldn't smile or look at the camera or try to blow out the candles as you can see from the other picture. What a funny kid. I don't think he really likes the limelight, it seems he'd rather be the sideshow than the main event. 

Abby even had a fairly good time and tolerated being held by people other than myself! She wasn't exactly chipper, but she wasn't crying so that's a major move forward. She just needs adequate warm up time. Jason was commenting later in the evening that Sam seemed a little shy when the party started and I said that he just needs to warm up a bit too. But once he warms up, watch out! That kid knows how to have a good time! As Matthew has a tendency to remove himself from large groups of people and play by himself so he certainly seems to be introverted. With Abby, I'm sure it's developmental at this point and time will tell if she too will be an introvert. Such is genetics at work. Anyway, Happy 2nd Birthday Matthew. We love you lots.

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