Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Matthew's appt and more

Matthew had his two-year appointment today. He really didn't handle it too well. I coached him ahead of time about what would happen (he would get weighed, see how tall he was and the doctor was going to look in his ears, nose, poke around his tummy, etc.) so I thought that would alleviate some of his apprehension about it, but alas, it did not. He really handles trips to the doctor much worse than the other children. He cries (and that boy can produce a flood of tears in a second), screams, thrashes about--and that's just when the nurse is trying to get his height and weight. 

When the doctor came in, Matthew would not look at her or talk to her for at least the first 5 minutes. He eventually warmed up and responded to a few of her questions, but mostly he kept to himself. He was at least tolerant of the exam, but the shots were another story. Just putting him down on the table was quite a challenge, but the nurses seemed accustomed to the difficulty and it went "well". Anyway, here are Matthew's stats:

Height: 37 in, 95+ percentile (again, what does that mean?)
Weight: 31 lbs, 90th percentile

And here are Sam's from 2 years old:

Height: 35 in, 75th percentile
Weight: 27 lbs, 25th percentile

The remainder of this post includes pictures from our afternoon activities. We had Popsicles on the deck, then played in the driveway and off to the sandbox. I got a new lens for the camera, so I wanted to try it out. Sam felt that BaaBaa needed to be in a lot of pictures, and here is the best one. 

Matthew was being his non-shy self, singing, shouting and playing on the kids' picnic table. Matthew is like two different kids: kid one won't look at anyone or speak around people or places he's unfamiliar with. Kid two is crazy, boisterous and funny.

And Abby was entertaining herself on the blanket when Sam stopped by. Take note of Abby's dark streaks of hair on the right side of her head (left side for us).

Here they are up close and personal. Those brunette streaks are all that's left of Abby's dark hair. The rest has all fallen out and she's gone blonde. The streaks are really quite striking--women pay lots of money to have such beautiful streaks in their hair. Pretty soon they will be all gone and I will be the lone brunette in the family. So much for blonde being a recessive trait. 

Here are some other pictures from our afternoon.

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