Wednesday, September 5, 2012

After dinner antics

We've been eating dinner outside as often as possible during these waning summer days. Abby (and Matthew) can make a mess and its just nicer to have it outside and either 1) leave it or 2) sweep it off the deck into the grass. Plus we just pick up Abby and shake off her clothing and she's good to go. Then afterward the boys push their chairs to the side of the deck and lay down on them as shown below. They used to try to get into this position at the table and they would laugh and hit their heads and cry and then we said no more. 
 And Abby enjoys her meal despite the antics going on around her. Well, I guess she's not really enjoying it, maybe she's just tired.
 Bad food!
 Sam standing on the chair. We also put a stop to that. Goodness, the way that kid climbs all over chairs in all sorts of ways that are hard to imagine, it's really amazing he hasn't broken anything yet. Yet.

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