Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Lately Abby has been throwing around words like you wouldn't believe. For example, a few days ago I asked Abby, "How are you doing, Abby?" as I often do when I'm talking to her and to my surprise, she responded "Good." Every time I ask her now, she pretty much says "Good". I was so surprised and can't believe that she, at 14 months, responds to "How are you?". Today she came up to me and said "marble" and handed me a few marbles from a toy that the boys got for Christmas (and they are supposed to keep them out of Abby's hands).

Matthew is also doing very well with his words and we have some interesting conversations. Here's a snippet of a conversations we had at breakfast yesterday.

Me: Matthew, what happened to your pants? (he was in his PJs, but didn't have pants on)
Matthew: (Pauses and looks down in surprise) I took them off! I got all nice and cozy in my blanket in bed and I was nice and cozy. (Holds up his foot) But I have my socks on.

Not to leave Sam out, he is still quite good with his language. The other night after he went to bed, he came out of his room after a few minutes and asked, "Mommy, Jesus Loves Me is about to start, will you join me for it?" He listens to a CD at bedtime these days and the second song is Jesus Loves Me. And he said, "Will you join me?" What four-year old says that? How formal!

What's the most fun is when all of the children are talking and wanting to converse at the same time which often happens when we're driving somewhere. Our drives are quite lively with talk coming from everywhere and getting louder and louder as they like to have me respond to them before they quiet down and move onto another topic. Sometimes, though, the kids get into a conversation with each other and that's really fun to listen to. Unless it's the boys screaming at each other about things like "There's a bus!" "No, there's a car transporter!" "No, there's a BUS!" "Car TRANSPORTER" "AHHHHHH! (the Ahhhh would be Matthew screaming.).

And then at the end of the day, Jason and I have some time for adult conversation. If only we had the energy to converse.

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