Wednesday, April 24, 2013

All about Abby

This afternoon and evening was all about Abby as the boys spent the day and are spending the night at Grammy and Papa's, so I had Abby all to myself. After she awoke from a rather short nap we went shopping at the mall. Wow, it's a lot easier to maneuver around the mall with a single stroller rather than a double with Sam walking in front of me, stopping randomly. We didn't actually go shopping, we actually went "returning" as I just had a few items to return to some stores and didn't purchase anything. I just took my time and Abby didn't get antsy at all. I did do some browsing for clothes which Abby seemed to enjoy immensely. She insisted upon keeping her stroller within reaching distance of the clothing racks and shelves and would say "Touch this!" and point to clothing she wanted to touch, then I would move her stroller a little closer and she would finger the clothing gently. At one point I was holding up a shirt on a hanger and she said, "No, Mommy." So I put it back. Who can argue with a 1 year old's taste in clothing? I'm sure it's the first of many such statements I will be hearing from her about my clothing selections.

After we returned we read books which is probably Abby's favorite activity. Well, her favorite activity is sitting with Mommy, and reading at the same time is just icing on the cake. So as I was reading her a book we got from the library, I noticed that she would repeat every word I said. Now, the book has only one word per page, but I thought it was worth getting on video, so here you go. 

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