Monday, November 4, 2013

Leaf raking

Every year raking seems to be a quite enjoyable time for our family. The boys are getting better and better at it and Abby is trying, although she generally ends up reducing the size of the leaf piles rather than contributing to them.  Despite the wet leaves from the rain earlier in the day, there was still a lot of fun to be had at our house today. After filling up the truck with leaves the it was time to decide who got to go to the dump with Daddy. Since he has only two car seats in his truck it's a contentious time for the kids. Who gets left behind? I try to spice it up by saying, "Who gets to stay with Mommy?" but none of the kids seem to buy my attempt at making being left behind a treat. They know better. Sam and Abby got to go this time around, leaving behind a dejected Matthew. Next time he'll get to go, leaving behind another dejected child with Mommy.

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