Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter

A couple of days late, but we had a good Easter with our family in Iowa. Unfortunately, we forgot our camera so I don't have any pictures of the festivities. We arrived in Iowa on Saturday, had a relatively quiet afternoon (at least when the kids were napping), celebrated Matthew's birthday with my side of the family and had an Easter egg hunt. The boys had a lot of fun finding Easter eggs and when I got one bag to put their treats into after the hunt, Sam decided that wouldn't do and stuffed his candy and coins into his pockets.

After a pretty uneventful night (Abby slept in the closet and had a hard time going to bed, but only woke briefly twice until almost 7AM. Matthew slept soundly in the laundry room and Sam slept on an air mattress in the bedroom while Jason and I slept in the bed.), we enjoyed a pancake breakfast, went to church to celebrate the Lord's resurrection, and had a wonderful Easter dinner. I hardly saw Sam at all, he was off with his cousins most of the time. Matthew spent his time bouncing between his cousins and finding his own things to do by himself. They enjoyed seeing the tractors and Matthew hardly at a bite all weekend as he was so distracted by watching all the birds, cats and the dog outside.

Abby had a decent weekend as she slept well, but I think she was bothered by all the commotion and unfamiliar faces as she was pretty fussy. She definitely wanted to be held by Mommy most of the time, and I remember that Matthew was often like that when he was a baby too. Abby laughed more than she ever has while watch Blaze play basketball and peek-a-boo so it was nice to see her happy side.

Here's a picture of Matthew wearing some of his new John Deere attire which he received for his birthday.

I got the two boys together for a picture and this is the only one where both of them are looking at the camera. Matthew is assuming a karate pose and Sam is enjoying BaaBaa's feet.

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