Thursday, April 5, 2012

In a paragraph...

The other day I was writing up a short description of my consulting work and I started thinking about how I would describe the kids in a paragraph or so. So I started off thinking about three words that would describe each child, but when I came to Abby I just couldn't describe her in three words. So I moved on to a paragraph. And here they are.

Samuel Justus Kirchhoff. Also known as "Little Buddy" and "Sam". Sam is an easy going kid. He adapts well to almost any situation, and is quite joyful in whatever situation he finds himself once he warms up to it. He is very focused and has the ability to spend an hour or so in one activity, such as putting together a puzzle, reading books or playing with cars and trains. He is also very clever and Jason and I have to work hard to stay a step ahead of him. Lastly, Sam is gentle. Jason would say that he's sensitive, but I think gentle is a better description. He takes minor injuries and impediments harder than some, but is usually easily comforted with a mother's touch.

Matthew Coolidge Kirchhoff. Also known as "Frank" and "Matty Cool". Matthew is an independent and persistent little man. He likes to do things on his own (as I mentioned before) and doesn't give up easily. He is also quite funny, trying different things to make people laugh such as putting various items over his head and making sounds. He is loving and affectionate toward those he knows. Those he doesn't know get glares or stare-downs. He has diverse interests such as playing with cars, reading books, playing with stuffed animals and putting together puzzles and playing sports. Matthew is also probably one of the most polite toddlers you'll ever meet.

Abigail Reagan Kirchhoff. Also known as "Peanut", "Baby buddy", "Abby-cakes", "Abs", and "Abby". Abby is fairly mellow IF she is fed, diapered, and well rested. Without any of those conditions met she may be in varying states of distress ranging from fussing to piercing-5-month-old-baby screams and cries. Abby does well with a routine and familiar surroundings and she really likes to be able to look around, move around and touch everything around her. She needs lots of variety and interaction, but she also needs her peace and quiet to get well rested. She is an active baby, only staying still when she is sucking her thumb and sleeping. Otherwise some part of her body is in active movement mode.

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