Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sam is 4!

Sam told me he didn't have to stand as tall to see himself in the mirror when we were in the bathroom yesterday. So, wow, our little boy is 4 years old (yesterday). And while he makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes, he can also be a sweet, polite, helpful little boy. So about the sweet and helpful part, sometimes he helps Matthew take his shoes off. He puts away his own clothes, helps make the bed, puts away some of the dishes, clears the table, is an excellent toy picker-upper (especially when motivated to do so before watching a cartoon)...and on and on and on!  He is also pretty organized as he was telling me on Thursday his plans for his birthday. He was going to get up, turn off his fan, change his clothes, have breakfast, play a little bit, go to the Y and tell everyone it's his birthday, come home, have snack, play, watch tv, have lunch, nap, then birthday! Yes, he really went over that entire list with Jason and I. Anyway, here is Sam.
September 21, 2008
 December 2008. Sam's love of everything TV began at an early age
March 2009
July 2009. His habit of chewing/sucking on a finger started at an early age (and continues today)
Christmas 2009

April 2010. Big brother.
September 2010
October 2010. Sam the walrus.
Spring 2011. Catching bubbles.
Summer 2011
December 2011. Big big brother.
Spring 2012. 

Come again for pictures of Sam's birthday party so you can see what a 4 year old looks like. 

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