Sunday, September 23, 2012

The kids have been bathing together lately (I know we will get ridiculed for this by the children when they are older) and this is what they look like. Aren't they cute? And they are all looking at the camera! Wow.
And here is  our four year old with his new bike. He was shocked when he saw it and didn't really respond immediately. I wonder if he even thought it was his bike because it is so much bigger than his old bike. But he can ride it and he looks like such a big boy on it!
Sam got another Cars cake this year. He continues to be enamored by Cars. Although we don't own the movies and he's only seen Cars maybe two or three times (and Cars 2, once, unfortunately), he just loves Cars.
Although Matthew handled Sam's birthday pretty well for a two year old, he also had some unhappy moments. However, today when we got back from a quick trip to Iowa Sam was preoccupied with his new toys so Matthew got all the other toys to himself which he seemed happy about. 

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