Sunday, April 14, 2013

Belated pictures

I haven't taken many pictures lately, but I have taken a few so here's a round up of pictures from the past few weeks.

So here's Abby in her Easter dress after the Easter service in Iowa. I actually made it into a picture! And I made her Easter dress using fabric purchased at an antique store in Albert Lea on our February vacation to southern Minnesota/northern Iowa.

 The other night our entertainment was Sam getting dressed up and singing and dancing for us. I really don't know what he was singing. Sometimes he just makes noises and other times he makes up songs (Matthew makes up songs too, usually about cars). We had a fun evening of free entertainment. One of the things about becoming a parent is that you spend a lot less on entertainment out of the house as you live with entertainment constantly. Sometimes it's funny and sometimes not. At least you don't have to go to a theater and pay $15 for it.

And Matthew got dressed up too. Not really, he just put Blankie on his head and asked to have his picture taken. So there you go. 

Our entertainment on Friday was a robin that was sitting on the deck railing right outside our dining room window. It sat there all day and would fly at the window every few minutes. At first the kids and I thought it was cute (and it really provided a good hour of entertainment for the kids), but then I read on the internet that the robin was likely defending his territory and "attacking" his reflection in the window as if it was a rival. Not only was it attacking the window, but it was peeing and pooping all over the railing. It was (and still is) seriously gross.  Because we have all this fresh snow, the robin waste really stands out. Yuck. Fortunately, when it warms up a bit, Jason is planning to power wash the deck. So, I read that if you pull the shades it will probably stop and it did, then moved on to another window. So I had to pull that shade and so on. At least it provided free entertainment although I definitely don't want to see that show again.

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