Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thing heard and seen

Abby has been copying words and phrases a lot lately. She will often repeat entire sentences and not only does she repeat statements right after they are said, but she will also just say it randomly at times. Her favorite lately is "Wipe my butt please!" Apparently she hears that a lot and the boys enjoy hearing her say it so they say it even more than when they actually need assistance in that area.

Sam suffered from some stomach/intestinal illness last week (Matthew and I had it too, but not quite as bad) and after entering the intestinal phase of the illness he had a lot of cramping and discomfort. He kept saying "My butt hurts!" and crying and unfortunately there was little I could do about it. After a few hours of his butt hurting, he eventually felt the need to "go" and when he started going, he said, "Mommy, it feels good to p**p! Ahhh." And then he continued to give me a play by play of what was going on in the bathroom. Over the next few days there was more of the same play by play. He'd tell me how his bottom felt, how it felt to "go", the state of his poo and so on. Such is the conversation in our house.

This is turning out to be a rather gross post (such is our life at times), but as far as things heard, Matthew threw quite a tantrum tonight. One like I have never seen before, only heard about. He was upset because I wouldn't go to the basement with him as it was bath time and we had to go upstairs rather than downstairs. So then came the tantrum. He laid down on the floor, started screaming and flailing his arms and legs about and hitting himself. It's the kind of tantrum that I wasn't sure really happened in real life, but I'd only imagined as my worst nightmare in Target or the grocery store. He didn't do it for too long as I told him that if he didn't stop it immediately he was going straight to bed...and he stopped the tantrum immediately. Now where did he learn that behavior? He's never witnessed it from Sam or on TV or anything. Is it innate? Anyway, he didn't take a nap today and apparently he really needed one cause he was rather crazy.

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