Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Abby after dark

Last night after the kids were in bed I was doing some cleaning up in the kitchen. After about 15 minutes, I heard Abby making noises on the monitor. I turned it up and realized that she was singing..."Ah-yeah-you-ah, Ah-yea-you-ah! God will save the day!" We had been listening to the kids' vacation bible school music CD earlier in the day and apparently she wanted to sing some to herself before falling asleep. She sang on and off for about 10 minutes. We listened to the CD more today and Abby is very opinionated about the music. "Not dis one!" she yells when she doesn't like the song being played. She also will yell, "Nother one!" when there's a break between songs. "Nother one, nother one, nother one!" she yells until the next song begins. Sometimes I sing along and often she doesn't like it. "No mommy," she says, shaking her head. "No sing." Ok, Abby. We knew from the beginning that she was quite opinionated and she is beginning to show her opinion with regard to her taste in music. So it begins.

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