Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Halloween!

All of the kids fully participated in trick or treating this year. Last year Abby didn't go out beyond one of the neighbors and Matthew only lasted for a few, but this year they all made it. We went to the trunk or treat at Ken and Cheri's church over the weekend, so Abby had the process down when we went around our neighborhood on Thursday. We visited our neighbors on the back of our property first. They welcomed us into their home and as we walked in, Abby held up her bucket ready for a treat. No small talk for her. We are still working on the finer points of manners. The kids all made it through all of our neighborhood and had a good time going from house to house. It got rather cold, windy and a bit rainy after awhile, but fortunately by that time we had already made it to the end of our street and just needed to get back quickly.

We visited about 10 homes and got plenty of treats. Abby is not too quick to share while Matthew and Sam are pretty generous. Either way, Jason and I get plenty of treats too with what Abby takes a bite of and decides she doesn't like and the boys' sharing. Abby was a bumblebee (or butterfly) after the walrus costume was rejected, Matthew was Thomas the train and Sam was a Ninja Turtle (we don't know which one).

Fortunately, we caught Abby with her eyes open as she still closes her eyes most of the time when a picture is taken of her. Matthew is still into the big open mouthed smile phase, thus the expression on his face. I don't know what face Sam was making behind his ninja turtle mask, but he sure looks like a tough turtle with his combative arms.

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