Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Doctor's appointment

Abby had her 2 year check up yesterday. The boys enjoy coming along for appointments these days as they have learned that they all get stickers, regardless of if they are the patient or not. Abby was a pretty good patient. She got a little upset when she was weighed, but during the exam she was very brave. She had to have her finger pricked for a blood sample and she didn't cry at all. Sam said she was braver than he was at his last appointment. I don't know if that's quite true as Sam bravely held back tears and only a few escaped when he got a shot and Abby saved up plenty of tears when she got a shot later in the appointment. Matthew was definitely the loser in terms of bravery and he cried quite extensively when he got the flu mist in his nose. Oh how terrible!

The boys entertained themselves during the appointment by playing doctor. One of them would lay on some of the chairs in the exam room while the other was the doctor. The doctor would then grab an appendage and bend it back and forth aggressively pushing it this way and that while asking "Does this hurt?" The patient would then laugh and wiggle around and try to escape from the doctor's examination. When comparing the two doctors, I would definitely prefer Sam as Matthew was quite rough and seemed rather more interested in causing pain than in finding out what was causing the imaginary pain.

Abby is growing up so quickly. Here are her 2 year stats:
weight: 25.5lb (53rd percentile)
height: 36" (94th percentile)

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