Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This morning we went to church for our Tuesday playgroup, which was great fun. Matthew again got a lot of attention from the girls and Sam enjoyed playing with the trucks, balls and other children who were there. The "playing together" aspect of the playgroup involved chasing around and screaming, much like get-togethers with Sam's cousins on my side of the family.When the kids weren't "playing together", they we taking each other's toys and screaming at one another because a toy was taken and mom's were trying to intervene in the toddler problem of selfishness.

Then we returned home and Sam played with his trucks and cars as he always does. He gets out every single vehicle he can find and puts them on the ottoman and makes up various events for the cars/trucks, or just lines them up in a long row. Matthew plays with whatever toys I put around him as he sits on the floor, or he hangs out on my hip while I engage in cleaning, making lunch, laundry or just putting stuff away. A few days ago I put the Digger/Dozer toy near Matthew and he loved it. If Sam is distracted enough by another toy he doesn't have a problem with Matthew playing with the Digger/Dozer, but if's often a problem for him.

After Sam played for awhile he decided to strip. He took off his pants, socks and diaper and then said he had to go potty. I got out the potty chair and he sat on it for a few minutes, but nothing happened. I then asked if he wanted a diaper and he said, "No, Lightening McQueen" which is a pair of underwear. So we put that on, then Matthew needed attention as his BM had produced the need for a complete clothing change. As I was cleaning up Matthew and changing his clothes and diaper, Sam came to me, naked, and was whining, "Diaper, diaper." Ok. I finished up with matthew and put a diaper on Sam. I then took Matthew into the kitchen and started lunch and Sam stripped again. I'm just not having any luck today in the diapering and potty department. Maybe the afternoon will be better.

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