Sunday, October 2, 2011

Church pictures

Hi boys, Yesterday we had pictures for the church directory taken. We had decided beforehand not to order any because our family is going to change in a few weeks, but we still wanted to get pictures taken for the directory. So we did. Boys, you wore sweater vests that I knitted over nice button down shirts and jeans. You were so darn cute. I hoped to get a promising picture, but wasn't really thinking that was too realistic. Regardless, I figured I wouldn't be too compelled to buy any pictures due to my advanced state of pregnancy and dislike of pictures of me in this state. Anyway, Sam, while we were getting dressed for church Daddy told you to practice a big smile. And a big smile you certainly produced. You opened your mouth wide, with the corners of your mouth slightly upturned and "smiled." It was hilarious. We didn't actually get any pictures of you with your "big smile" but I'm sure you will reproduce it later. I guess you're at the point where fake smiles start. You did really well for the family pictures and we got quite a few nice, and real smiles out of you.

Matthew, however, you were another story. You were chipper and happy while you were running around the church hallways before the picture, but when the photographer started trying to interact with you, you turned very serious, even grimacing or glaring. You do that sometimes. When a stranger tries to talk to you, you just glare. Wow. It's very serious. Your expressions during the photo session involved grimacing, glaring or crying. There was nothing even remotely close to a smile in the 40 or so pictures taken. In fact, for the picture we selected for the directory you were looking, well, ticked off. We really didn't base our selection off of your expression as you were just not cooperative. Of course, when we were looking at the proofs afterward you were your happy self.

After we got home from the church photo session, we decided to have our own photo shoot. We still didn't end up with anything "perfect" or even close to it but there were some funny moments and expressions captured.

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