Thursday, October 20, 2011

Welcome Abby!

Hi Kiddos, Well, now there are three of you. Abby was born yesterday, Oct. 19, 2011. After a few days of fruitless contractions, when they started up again early yesterday morning, I pretty much ignored them. I got dressed to go to the Y, told Jason to go to work and then suddenly, around 7:15AM or so, realized this was the real deal and we needed to go to the hospital ASAP. We arrived at the hospital a little after 8AM and Abby arrived (via waterbirth) at 10:48AM. Daddy broke a few traffic laws on the way to the hospital, but we still made it with plenty of time. Sam, you seem very excited about having a baby around. You frequently come over to the baby, touch her, kiss her, bring her toys and just look at her while saying things like, "Ahhh, look at her eyes!" "Ahh, how cute!". You've said many other cute things over the past day and a half about your new sister, but I can't remember them. Matthew, you are a bit more skeptical about the baby. You point at her often and say, "Baby!" and tried saying goodnight to her tonight, but she didn't wave back. You waved and waved, but got no response. 

Abby, other than being a girl, you seem much different from your brothers. For one, you have a lot of hair and dark hair! I was quite surprised at your hair and didn't want to put on your hat much during our stay at the hospital so I could look at your unruly dark hair. You also seem to have a darker complexion, but I can't remember what your brothers were like at birth, so maybe it's just the hair throwing me off. I'm sure other differences will emerge over the years, but those are the ones that stand out now.

In the picture, Sam you had swaddled a baby doll we have (I bought it a few weeks ago in preparation for your sister's arrival) and were cuddling with your baby doll as Daddy was cuddling Abby. Welcome to our new life together as a family of five. Love, Mom

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