Saturday, June 9, 2012

Just the kids and I

Jason was in Boston for work Tues-Friday and Grandma Sue was here for part of the week, and I was on my own for a couple of days before Jason returned. We had fun playing with bubbles which Grandma Sue got for the kids and I was grateful that the kids had someone other then myself to play with.

For two of the nights I let Sam sleep in Jason and my bedroom. He got to sleep with Jason when I took Matthew and Abby to IA a couple of weeks ago and I promised him that when Jason was gone he could sleep in our room for part of the time. Before Sam went to bed one of the nights, I laid down the ground rules for sharing a bed with mommy. One was that we sleep with the light off. Another was that if Sam got up repeatedly for unnecessary reasons (I didn't state it like that, but used little kid language to convey the same thing) I would have to assume that he wasn't able to fall asleep in my bedroom and he'd have to go to his own. Another rule was that he was not to bother me until his clock turned yellow in the AM. He agreed to all the stipulations and we read stories, sang songs and he went to bed without a hitch at 8PM. I then went downstairs for some time to myself.

Around 10PM, I went upstairs to go to bed and found Sam had fallen asleep while lying horizontally across the top third of the bed. His head was on Jason's pillow and his lower legs were on mine. Hmmm. I had a few options to choose from: 1) try to move Sam without waking him...that was not going to work...2) Wake up Sam intentionally and reposition him...I thought he'd want to talk then and would have difficulty going back to sleep...3) Sleep on the edge of the bed and leave him be across the top...that would be quite uncomfortable...4) Join him in lying horizontally across the bed. Well, I chose option 4. I loosened the sheets and blankets and situated my pillow where my feet usually are and laid horizontally across the bottom of the bed. It actually was pretty comfortable as our mattress is pretty saggy where I usually lay and it wasn't saggy where our feet lay, so it worked out. Later in the night Sam moved his feet  below him and he ended up kicking me, but other than that it was fine.

Sam got to sleep in Jason and my room one more night and this time he took awhile to fall asleep, woke up when I came to bed, talked and wanted to hang out well past his bedtime and woke up early. It didn't go quite as smoothly that night, but he was surprisingly uncrabby the next day. Overall, we had a fun sleepover. And I got to sleep with one of Sam's stuffed bird toys. And Sam even offered to share BaaBaa for awhile, but I kindly declined.

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