Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Tonight since it was 95, we decided to introduce the kids to the McDonald's shake. Sam wanted strawberry and Matthew wanted chocolate. Abby didn't get anything and Jason and I figured we'd eat whatever the boy's didn't. McDonalds has really dressed up their shakes since I last had one (I don't even remember how long it's been since I had one, probably 5+ years) as the come topped with whipped cream and a cherry. Anyway, we took them to the deck (any frozen treat we had belongs on the deck) and the boys ate and ate and ate. Abby fussed, grabbed, looked longingly at them, but was otherwise pretty happy to just be standing, which she is doing very well these days. Both boys ate about 3/4 of their shakes, leaving Jason and I with just a melty, foamy bottom which we decided to pass on. Matthew, as often happens when he eats drippy, melty food, required a clothing change afterward. 

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