Thursday, August 9, 2012


This picture is from a few weeks ago, but I don't think I posted it so here you go. One of the many moments when the boys were getting along well. They were playing again in the stairs, which continues to be a favorite location. Speaking of them getting along, Matthew was having one of his many tantrums this morning and I was ignoring him. He wanted to be picked up, but my arms/wrists have really been hurting lately, and he had already been carried around a good deal, and he just didn't need anything. So he was standing behind me screaming as I was cleaning up the kitchen. And then Sam came over to him and wrapped his arms around him and told him it would be okay. It was a wonderfully thoughtful gesture, although Matthew didn't think so and notched up his screaming. Overall, the boys really treat each other well. Of course, they fight about trucks and books and have no interest in a particular toy or book until the other shows interest in it and then they fight, but all the moments of getting along and brotherly love totally make it bearable. At least for now.

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