Thursday, August 2, 2012


Abby got her first pair of shoes yesterday. We had gone to Perry Park in the morning and she was quite happy cruising around on what she could grab and crawling around. She does a bear crawl when on concrete or grass, so she keeps her knees off the ground and her little butt is up in the air. All she had was socks on her feet, and it didn't seem to bother her much, but it just seemed dirty and uncomfortable to me. So after the kids' naps we went to the mall to find a pair of shoes. I think the boys got their first pair of shoes around 9 months of age also.

Her feet were measured and her shoe size is 4. I told the sales person I wanted some play shoes, nothing fancy. She brought out a few options and they were all very girly. Bright pink and sparkly. I was hoping for something more subdued but that was not to be. So I picked a pair that I thought would work and we left with some cute, but very pink shoes.

The boys were very good at the shoe store. They were reminded that there was a play area at the mall and we would go there if they were quiet and stayed near me (in the past, Sam has had a tendency to flee) while we were at the store. They behaved perfectly. Matthew remained in the double stroller while Sam walked around a bit in the store. What good boys! Abby didn't even fuss when a stranger touched her feet. I suppose it helped that I was holding her during the fitting as she usually doesn't like to have much to do with strangers. I remember Matthew was very perturbed when I got shoes for him the first time around.

So the picture to the right is our family in shoes. That's the only family picture we have representing the five of us. If you'd like a print let me know. Sam still has Matthew beat in shoe size, but Matthew still has pretty big feet for a kid (Sam wears 9.5 and Matthew 8.5W). Jason has me beat in shoe size too (the picture makes it hard to tell). He wears size 11 (men's) and I wear size 11 (women's).

 And here's a symbolic picture of my shoes and Jason's, with Abby's in the middle. Maybe tomorrow I'll get a picture of the princess with her pink Mary-Janes.

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