Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall is here!

Hi Kiddos, Well it's been much too long since I've written anything. I guess I'm a little distracted these days and also tired, so I just haven't sat down to write anything lately and I don't think things will get much better in the coming days, weeks and months, but we'll see.

Fall is officially here! After a weird September and strange start to October, it is finally cool and time to do some fall yard cleaning. Sam, you especially like to rake. So much so that we had to buy another rake so that you, Daddy and I could all have one. I tried using yours a few times (when you stopped raking and were diverted by playing) but you would have none of it. So we bought another. Not a kiddie rake, no, when asked if you wanted a kid-sized rake at Menards the other day, you said no, we already had a rake for you at home, which is a full-sized rake. Matthew, you also enjoy raking, although not to the extent that Sam does and I'm afraid the rake is a little unwieldy for you at this time. You will have to grow into it. Both of you love running, jumping, falling and flailing around in the piles of leaves. This makes for somewhat of a mess and involves much re-raking for whoever is actually doing the raking (generally Daddy), but it also makes for a much more enjoyable time raking. And when Daddy loads the leaves onto the tarp to load into the back of the truck, the real fun begins. You kids get to ride around the yard on the tarp while Daddy pulls you and the leaves to the truck. I can't believe how happy this makes you two, but it sure is fun to watch.

Today, Daddy even threw you two (one at a time) into the leaf pile, much to your enjoyment. Sam, although you are usually one to stay away from risks, you loved being thrown into the leaves. Matthew, on the other hand, although you are usually one to take risks, you didn't really enjoy being thrown into the leaves. Interesting how that worked out today. Anyway, we've had some happy fall days this past week.

Here you two are playing in the leaves from last weekend (notice the shorts and was quite warm!)

 And here you are enjoying a ride on the tarp...

And this is from today...leaf raking and throwing...(notice the change in was much cooler today.)

Happy Fall! Love you lots, Mom

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