Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Matthew sees the moon

Hi Matthew, last Friday we were at Grammy and Papa's house to celebrate your cousin Josh's birthday. Since there were lots of evening festivities going on, you ended up staying up later than usual which meant that you were awake when it got dark outside. Which also meant that you got to see the moon. It started after Josh opened his birthday presents and someone pointed out the moon outside. You got very excited about it and would regularly interrupt your playing and running around to go to the window and see the moon, excitedly exclaiming "Moon! Moon!" while pointing and waiting for other people to acknowledge your finding. We eventually headed home and the car ride consisted of you saying, "Car, car, car, moon, moon" over and over and over. And we did see lots of cars on the way home, although we couldn't see the moon so I can only assume you were looking for it.

When we got home you again looked for the moon. We went from window to window looking for it and you would ask, "Moon go?" with your palms upturned as you usually do when seeking something. Unfortunately we couldn't see it as it was hidden behind some trees. It was a disappointing way to end a happy evening of seeing the moon. Jason estimates that you must have said "moon" at least 100 times that night and I don't think his estimate is too far off. I was pondering your fixation on the moon later that night after you went to bed, I realized that you had never seen the moon before and had realized that it was actually something real, and not just something that we read about in "Goodnight Moon" and other books. If only we could all be so amazed at something as seemingly simple as the moon.

On Sunday afternoon we were playing outside and again you spotted the moon. It's crescent could be seen in the afternoon sky and you were very excited at it's appearance. We couldn't hardly get you to come inside you just wanted to point and look at the moon and excitedly say, "Moon!" It really made for a fun afternoon and it's neat how something so simple can bring our family so much joy. I love to see how much you love the moon. Well, goodnight and sleep tight. Love, Mom

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