Monday, October 3, 2011

Sam's Party

Hi Sam, when I was looking through the pictures that we took after the photo shoot on Saturday, I realized I hadn't written anything about your birthday party. Well, it was on Sept. 25 and lots of family came. You were very excited for your party and presents and cake. Uncle Brian brought some helium balloons which you loved.

 You got lots of other great presents including puzzles, games, books, clothes, and of course, cars and trucks. This year you opened all your presents before playing with them (for the most part) unlike last year, where you opened a gift and immediately wanted to play with just that gift. We've read every book you received many times over the past week or so, played with your games and put together puzzles frequently. Matthew has also tried to enjoy your gifts, although he too received some nice gifts for your birthday. Yes, Matthew got some presents too and you have some very nice family. I don't really expect you too much to share your presents, but I do let Matthew try them out if you're occupied with other toys. Sharing isn't a really strong part of who you are right now, but you're getting better and at least more tolerant of Matthew's desire to play with your stuff, and he's also getting used to hearing, "No, that's Sam's" so he leaves some of your stuff alone.

Your cake was a Cars cake that I put together. You picked out the design and enjoyed the singing. You blew out one candle and didn't want to attempt the other two, despite much prodding, so to get things moving along (Matthew was getting impatient for cake) I blew out the other candles. And then both you and Matthew ate cake, well, I guess you just ate frosting. You even picked out the layer of frosting between the two cake layers and your plate was a heap of chocolate when you were finished. After I said you couldn't have any more frosting you tried the cake and realized it was pretty good too, so then you ate the cake. 

We had a lot of fun and I can't hardly believe we've been blessed to have you for three years. I wish I could remember how far you've come over the last year, but you change and grow so quickly. Happy Birthday, kiddo. Love, Mom

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