Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Running errands

Running errands has taken on a new look lately. Mostly because I have three small children rather than two. I wrote a year ago about going to the grocery store with the two boys and now, a new layer of thought has to go into going to the grocery store. I still haven't figured it out, but I'm working on it. Some may wonder why I go at all with all three kids, why not go in the evening or on the weekends? Well, there are three reasons why I actually rather go during the week with the kids: 1) it's something to do during the day, 2) I don't like crowds so that rules out the weekends and 3) I'm too tired (so that rules out evenings).

Anyway, the first question is when to go? I used to go right away in the morning after we got dressed and ready, so around 8 AM. But Abby tends to like to nap around that time, so do I go anyway, hoping she'll nap while we're shopping or wait until she's done napping for the morning? Last week I went after her AM nap, so around 10:30. She didn't make much of a fuss on the car ride to the grocery store, which was a nice change, but she definitely made a fuss when we were in the store. I barely made it through the produce section before she started fussing. Soon her fussing turned to crying, then screaming. Red-faced, breathless screaming. I went through the produce and dairy as fast as I could all the while hoping she would ease up. But she didn't. I tried talking calmly to her, rubbing her tummy, anything to get her to calm down. All the while I was hoping the boys would stay in the car attachment in the front of the grocery cart. They did, so that was nice. Of course, of all the days I'd rather not run into someone I know at the store, I ran into a friend from the Y by the milk and she hadn't seen the baby yet, so I got to show off my screaming, red-faced princess. Eventually I had to take Abby out of her carseat and she immediately calmed down. I carried her on my shoulder, pushed my cumbersome cart with one hand and quickly tried to get necessary items, leaving the remainder of my list for another time. Of course, there were few checkout lanes open, and the people in front of me had very full carts. I was flustered and sweating and trying to hold Abby and keep the boys in line, but was not being very successful. Matthew grabbed a Snickers and tried to chew on it (wrapper and all) and Sam squeezed past my cart and was working his way up next to the other customers in front of me. Oh me oh my. Thankfully, after a few minutes a new lane opened just next to where I was and I was able to quickly make it out. in. one. piece. without. going. insane.

Anyway, after Abby's nap didn't seem to work and we'll probably not try that anytime soon. Well, moving on. The next layer of planning that goes into planning for the grocery store trip is when am I most likely to get a big cart (either one with the two seats facing each other near the back of the cart, or those cute cars attached to the front of carts. Generally, the best time to snag a big cart is early AM. Then the boys can ride in the car or special child seats and Abby goes into the basket and I place groceries in the seat of the cart or on the bottom. This really limits how much I can get, but it certainly cuts down on impulse buying. The kids cut down on browsing, as who can really browse around anywhere with a three year old, one year old and baby? Anyway, when I went to Target last week there weren't any of the big carts available (although I was there early, a little after 8), so Sam had to walk. Oh dear. Sam walking in Target is just not good. Every aisle has fun and neat little temptations. I had to get some mailing supplies and a few aisles down was the party aisle. I quickly grabbed my mailing stuff and Sam ran into the party aisle. I emerged into main walkway just as Sam emerged carrying a huge star pinata. Put it back, Sam. Don't touch, Sam. Stay here, Sam. Sam. Sam. Sam. Can you pick some snacks, Sam? Oh dear. I had to give him a job to give him some focus. He was like a kid in a candy store. Apparently a kid in a Target isn't much different.

Ok. So, running errands is different these days. Why do I put myself through this? Part of it is probably because I like the challenge. Come on, I can do this, right? What am I trying to prove? I CAN DO THIS, RIGHT? I can do this. Three small kids? I can do this. If I can make it through a trip to the grocery store with my three children, I can conquer anything!  Next, Mt. Everest.

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