Sunday, December 4, 2011

What's your type?

Back to streaky posting...maybe because I'm back to work these days. Meaning it's just me and the kiddos, no Jason or my mom to help me out. So I'm tired and somewhat stressed and burned out. And it's only been a week! Such is life with three blessed little ones!

Anyway, so I've been reading and web surfing in my "free time" in a desperate attempt to help Abby sleep better. The thing is, she's a great sleeper at night (slept in her crib some this past week) and wakes once or twice, but her naps are atrocious. She has a very hard time winding down for naps, then she gets overtired and screams. And she gets so worked up she has a hard time napping. So she screams some more and gets more and more tired. What a vicious cycle. My "research" has led me to pull out the book, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer which I've had since Sam but haven't really used much or paid attention to. The author writes about how to pay attention to and learn about your baby's specific temperament and needs and cater your responses to them accordingly. She writes about five "types" of babies and although I don't think kids fall exactly into five categories, it has been somewhat helpful in understanding Abby's temperament.

Of course, I've classified the boys too and here are how the kids are classified, at least according to the Baby Whisperer. Sam was an "Angel Baby". He was pretty mild, easily transportable, fell asleep anytime, anywhere, in any situation and would sleep for a long time. At two weeks, we gave Sam a pacifier, put him in the swing (wide awake) and he would fall asleep on his own at bedtime and sleep for 4-8 hours. He has since outgrown his angel wings. Matthew would be classified as a "Textbook Baby." According to the author, Textbook babies are very predictable and do things "by the book" or reach particular milestones when they're supposed to. I used to say that one could set their clock by Matthew's self-imposed schedule. He naps for 1.5 hours. He goes to bed at 7, he gets up at 6. He too was pretty easy as a baby, once we figured out that when he yawned, he was ready for sleep. Now we come to Abby. It's pretty early yet, but I think she would be classified as a "Spirited Baby." These babies have very strong likes and dislikes and let you know it. They have a hard time winding down and seem to fight sleep. Yes. That describes Abby lots of time. Jason and I are trying to figure her out, but she definitely keeps us on our toes. "Typical woman" is what Jason says.

I never knew how hard having kids would be, but I tell you, it was much easier getting a Ph.D.

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