Thursday, December 15, 2011

When Abby gets bigger...

Sam, You are big into telling Abby what she gets to do when she gets bigger. So today you greeted Abby, by saying, "Look, she has wake up eyes!" You say that whenever Abby's eyes are open and she is awake. Then you usually follow that up with something like, "Oh, she's so cute!" or "Abby, you are the cutest baby in the world!" Sam, you are so cute too.

But today, you were telling Abby about her future. You started by saying, "Abby, when you get bigger, you can share a big bed with me at Grammy and Papa's." (Sam spent the night at Grammy and Papas earlier in the week). You told Abby that she could stay with you, but Matthew had to sleep in the crib. I guess we know who your favorite is these days. Then you told Abby about milk. You said, "You'll get to drink regular milk when you are big too. And strawberry milk. And chocolate milk. And syrup milk." You are such a good big brother. Other than you like to talk to Abby about two inches from her face, you're pretty good and loving. Someday that may change, but I hope your deep affection continues for a long time. Love, Mom

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