Thursday, July 5, 2012

Odds and ends

Today when the kids were watching Little Einsteins before dinner Matthew was relaxing in our big, cozy chair. After a few moments, he said, "I need ottoman closer!" so I went over and pushed it near the chair. He was finally able to relax at that point and stretched out and touched the tips of his toes on it. When I took the picture he had relaxed his feet, but he still needed the ottoman.

Although we've avoided being outside for most of the past two days, prior to that we were getting out the swimming pool daily, making a routine out of filling it each morning, letting it warm up during the day and swimming after naps. After the boys have sloshed out most of the water in the pool, I let Abby "swim" as she loves being in the water. The boys are pretty good about being careful around her, and usually they have lost some interest (and energy) by the time the water level is appropriate for Abby, so it works out okay. The other day our backyard pool was littered with naked bodies as I couldn't find Abby's suit (does she even have one? does she even need one?), Matthew had 1) peed in his swim trunks and needed them taken off, 2) didn't like the feeling of his other shorts when they got wet, so they were taken off and 3) ripped off his swim diaper when he had to pee again. So he was naked. After so many clothing changes I just give up. Is it really a big deal if a 2 year old is running around naked? Now, people older than maybe 4 or 5, hmmm, not so cute, but a naked Matthew is still okay in my book. Sam was dressed for most of the afternoon, although he tried keeping his trunks off after he went to the bathroom (in the house). He likes being naked, but he's just getting too old for it. 

However, we still let Sam run around in his underwear if he feels like it. I tried getting both boys together for a picture in their underwear, but it was not to be. So here's a cute Sam in his skivvies. 
And one last one. Matthew was throwing somewhat of a fit the other day and he wanted to be held, but it wasn't anything serious so I took his picture before picking him up. What a horrible Mommy I am sometimes. About Matthew's fits, he has only had a few of them but I noticed today that they always occur when Jason's around. When it's just me, he will throw a brief fit (generally less than minute), but around Jason he really lays it on heavy. Loud. Screaming. Tears rolling. Crazy. Today he get it into his head to throw a fit after nap. We came downstairs and he was fine, but as soon as he saw Jason he started screaming. I tried to figure out what was going on, offered him snack, water, asked if his tummy hurt and so on. But then suddenly he stopped. Jason had gone to the garage. When Jason returned (he was cutting tile for our bathroom so was going in and out frequently), he started crying and screaming again. He kept asking if daddy was going to work and I told him no, then he'd go crazy. Then Jason would go outside again and Matthew would stop. Very strange behavior. I still haven't determined his motivations, but it was like Jason's presence and exit were an on/off switch for Matthew's  tantrummy behavior. 

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