Monday, July 9, 2012

Potty accident

So Matthew is potty training. He is doing surprisingly well, so I really don't have many good stories to tell. He usually has one accident a day, but otherwise goes on the potty chair and stays dry. Amazing boy. He even woke up this morning and wanted to get up to go to the bathroom, rather than pee in his diaper. Now although I am proud of him, I would have likes a little more sleep too. What a conundrum.

Yesterday's accident was a bit more memorable so that's what I'll write about. Matthew had just finished his snack and I asked him if he wanted to try the potty chair. He said, "Ok" so off we went to the bathroom. A few feet from the bathroom I stopped him so I could help him with his shorts and underwear. I pulled down his shorts, then got his underwear to his knees and he immediately started peeing. I was thinking he would get scared or shocked or whatever and stop or scream, but there was nothing like that. It just kept coming. In milliseconds, I considered my options: stand there and let Matthew pee a little puddle on the floor; carry Matthew the 5 feet or so to the bathroom, risking spraying the walls, the new tile, the woodwork etc.; grab a bowl and have him pee in that; grab a towel and have him pee in that.  Attempting to remain cool, I went with the first option and coolly said to Jason who was in the kitchen "Get a towel please." At least I thought I was cool and calm. And the pee kept coming. Jason asked something, maybe what kind of towel? "Are you serious?" I thought. "Any towel, I don't care." I responded calmly. Matthew finally finished and Jason brought a towel, set it on the rather large pool and walked away. I started mopping it up, then asked Matthew if he had to go anymore and wanted to try the potty chair. I was thinking, "if he seriously has any more liquid in him he had the bladder of an elephant". But he wanted to sit on the potty chair, so we finally made it to the bathroom. He sat down, then leaned forward and placed his hands on the floor in front of him for his pooping stance. I left to finish wiping up the pee. I got that done, wiped Matthew's butt, dumped out the potty chair, wiped out the potty chair, flushed, got Matthew dressed again, got the floor cleaner, mopped with floor where Matthew had peed by hand and continued to mop by hand the area around the island which gets pretty dirty. Heck, I was already on my hands and knees on the floor, what's another five minutes of mopping? Well, just another 15 minutes on a Sunday morning.

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