Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ummmm...potty trained?

Yeah, we're talking about Matthew. He is in underwear...all the time...no diapers anymore. He's not even 27 months old yet (as in just over 2 years old). And he did it in his own time, without much prodding or work by myself. As I mentioned before, a few times Matthew told me he had to go poopy (which means pee or poop), then I thought, well, if he can tell me he has to go and he has all these other signs of readiness (like dry overnight and naps), then lets just give it a go. It started out with me putting him in diapers (really, do I want to deal with messes with a baby crawling around?), and taking it off whenever he told me he had to go or I asked him to try the potty. After a few days of him wearing the same diaper all day without any messes, or just going in his diaper once, it was time to move onto the next phase. Underwear. He actually decided he wanted to wear underwear without me forcing it upon him. He just declared that he wanted to wear underwear. So that's what we did. Matthew is an independent, opinionated little chap as we all know and he was ready for underwear. Now, I was not really planning on potty training Matthew this summer. But he wanted to and I'm not one to miss the opportunity to get a kid out of diapers.

So now he goes in the potty chair all the time. He has an occasional accident, maybe one every few days, but otherwise he is doing very well. Matthew and Sam like to go to the bathroom together and sit on their stools, facing each other, completing their deeds. Sometimes, though, it takes Matthew quite some time to complete his deed (we're talking 10 minutes), but he is content to look at books or just sit there until he's done.

I really don't have too much to talk about regarding Matthew's potty training, no serious challenges, nothing really interesting or funny about it (other than finding what appeared to be a smushed Tootsie Roll on the kitchen floor the other day which was definitely not a Tootsie Roll...). He just did it. A few stickers, a few cars, but that was it. And now, we just need to get him on the toilet. But I'm sure he'll take care of that on his own, when he is well and ready.

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