Tuesday, March 5, 2013

And winter continues...

So we got 8 (or so) inches of snow over the past day and a half. Jason is very sick of snow these days, but I don't have too much of a problem with it, although I am looking forward to spring. Anyway despite the snow it's been in the upper 20s, so the kids and I played outside this afternoon. Abby still refuses to wear boots (she screams when I put them on her), but her shoes provide a lot of coverage, so she wore them. She actually wore snowpants today which was a first. She wasn't too excited about it and walked and bent over with little cries of disapproval initially, but she got over it and enjoyed herself. Her favorite activity was attempting to run into the street as I chased her and caught her and brought her back by the house. The boys had fun shoveling the driveway and the yard although they didn't make too much progress. We also got out the wagon (actually, it was Abby's idea as she climbed in the wagon in the garage while the boys and I were shoveling) and walked down the street with it while Sam rode his bike as the street was fairly clear of snow. Sam also enjoyed mastering the pile of snow at the end of the driveway by the mailbox. Another fun afternoon at the Kirchhoff's.

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