Sunday, March 17, 2013

Car show

This afternoon Jason took the boys to a car show. I didn't really want to go, so Abby and I went to the fabric store and Target instead. Abby has turned into quite a good shopper lately and it's nice to get some errands in with just one child rather than all three.

Jason was disappointed by the car show, but I think the boys still had some fun. Here are some pics of the boys enjoying the vehicles. Matthew again put on his big smile.

Now the boys are in two different vehicles, but Matthew has almost the exact same expression. Jason said their favorite vehicle was a big black Dodge truck, but the highlight of the trip was probably riding on the escalator and getting stared/smiled at by the models (apparently there are good looking women modeling with the cars???).

After the show, Jason taught Abby how to say "car show" and she walked around saying it frequently during the rest of the evening. Maybe it will become her new favorite word and replace "no."

On a side note, the children, all of them, behaved wonderfully during church this morning. There was no one in the nursery, so we took Abby into church with us and she and the boys were stellar.

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