Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What did we do today?

Hmmm...our morning was filled up with a Bible study today, so our at-home festivities didn't begin until later in the day. But when we got around to it, we...

...Put together puzzles. Matthew does puzzles every day. He gets them out after breakfast and works on them periodically throughout the day. The table (and floor) is usually covered with puzzles from about 8AM until 5PM when the kids have to pick up and set the table for dinner time.

...Did the chicken dance. Sam has a little ramp toy that has two chickens on wheels that roll down the ramp and it plays this hoe down music with chickens bawking in the background. So he dances around when it plays the music and does his version of a chicken dance. He's quite serious about his dancing.

...Got stickers in the mail from Grammy and Papa. In the top picture, Matthew's expression is what happens when you tell him to smile. Picture taking is going to be fun for awhile around here until he's out of that stage. And Abby adorns herself with her stickers whenever she gets her hands on them. She puts ALL of them on her shirt (and occasionally on other people's clothing), and I mean all of them. You should see what she looks like when she gets a pack of like 50 stickers. Quite lovely.

Just another day at the Kirchhoff's.

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