Monday, May 6, 2013

Doctor's visit

Matthew and Abby had a check up last week to mark Matthew's 3rd year and Abby being 1 1/2. Matthew seems to have really turned a corner in his doctor's visits as he didn't cry at all. He even had to read the eye chart (with shapes) and have a hearing test and he actually complied and did what he was supposed to. The nurse said that kids don't often cooperate at age 3, but Matthew really did pretty well (and we know he has good eyesight and hearing).

Abby did pretty well too other than she was so squirmy and did not want to be restrained at all. She wanted to climb on the benches and chairs in the exam room and shrieked when I tried to get her to sit down and hold her. She is one opinionated girl! And she is growing and healthy too. Here are the kids' stats:

Height: 33.25" (90th percentile)
Weight: 24 lb (50th percentile)

Height: 39" (90th percentile)
Weight: 36 lb (80th percentile)

On another note, today the boys were ready to go outside and I told Matthew to go upstairs and get some socks. He was taking quite a long time (which is not totally unusual for him as he often gets, um, distracted), so I went up to check on him. At the top of the stairs I saw an empty laundry basket which had been filled with clean and folded kids' clothes. I called out to Matthew and he proudly came out of his room and said, "I put clothes in the rooms! I'm being helpful!" I was a bit puzzled, but walked into his room. There was a stream of clean clothes on the floor in his room, from the door to his chest of drawers. Sam's clothes were in his room, in a 4' diameter pile near his door. Abby's clothes were in a similar state in her room. Awww. I told Matthew thank you and said that he was indeed being helpful. Then I told the boys to put their clothes in their drawers and put Abby's pile away. The clothes weren't really folded anymore, but really, some things just aren't that important. I don't know why I fold the kids' clothes anyway, as the boys just pull all sorts of shirts and pants out of their drawers when getting dressed and then stuff them back in when I tell them to pick up. Some things just aren't that important.

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