Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Potty training?

So I really have no intention of potty training Abby this summer. However, the other night before bath she was doing a little dance outside of the tub before I got a chance to get her in. Then she peed on the floor (she usually pees upon getting in the tub). So then the next night when it was bath time I saw her doing the little dance again and I asked her if she had to potty and she replied "Yes". So I got out the seat which sits on top of the toilet and sat her on it and then she peed. In the toilet. So then the next night before bath I sat her on the toilet again and she peed again and clapped for herself. I don't know where this will go (she's only 19 months old!), but I guess we'll be getting the froggy potty chairs out again and see what happens.

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