Friday, May 24, 2013

How to get sap off of skin

So we have these big tree stumps in our yard and one of them happens to be for a large pine. This morning Jason was home, working on the back garage and I and the kids went out to talk to him. Well, I wasn't really watching Abby closely as I was talking briefly to Jason, but I knew she was near us. After a few minutes Abby walked over to me and held out her hands. They looked like they had been dipped in corn syrup. Both hands. Her entire hands, front and back were covered with a thick, sticky goo. I would have been very lucky had she managed to get her hands full of corn syrup while playing the backyard as it turned out she had gotten her hands covered in sap.

My first thought was, Don't get it in her hair! So I grabbed her hands. Big mistake. I should have grabbed her wrists, because now we both had hands full of sap. And in case you were wondering, sap doesn't just wash off. I had a bucket of water that the kids had been playing with and went over to it and dipped our hands in it, rubbing them (as well as they could be rubbed as basically when they were put together they just stuck and didn't rub). And nothing happened except the sap turned white. Hmmm. What to do? I clearly can't google (as I can't touch anything) how to get sap off. So I then call Jason over to me and ask him to watch Abby while I run inside to get some Lava soap. So then he grabs her hands and gets sap all over his hands.

I get the Lava soap and we work and work and work and I get a dish scouring pad and work and work and work. And then I start scraping the sap off with my fingernails, one little scrape at a time and work and work and work. And after about 20 minutes of work, Jason had cleaned his hands enough to go google how to remove sap from skin and I had most of one of Abby's hands clean and part of one of my own.

So he found out that sap can be removed by using rubbing alcohol. So we got the rubbing alcohol, getting our door knobs sappy in the process of going into the house and began to work on Abby's and our own hands with rubbing alcohol. Oh yeah, as we're working on Abby and ourselves, Sam comes over and says his hands are sticky. Somehow he had touched something that Jason or I or Abby had touched and got sappy too. So we worked and worked and worked and after about 10 minutes with the rubbing alcohol, we had everyone's hands pretty well cleaned up.

And that's how to remove sap from skin. And keep Abby away from pine trees.

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