Monday, October 21, 2013

Someone's two!

Abby just turned two, going on 15 it seems sometimes. We had the Kirchhoff family over for pizza and cupcakes and Abby had a grand time playing with her cousins. She relishes the attention and definitely is not shy about it. She opened her gifts and after nearly every gift she had to be persuaded to open another as she just wanted to play with her new gifts rather than open more. She got some jewelry, clothes, a baby doll, a toy kitty and puppy, and a book.  All have been thoroughly enjoyed especially the kitty and jewelry. In the pictures below Abby is wearing part of her bee costume (minus the wings) which she claims is a butterfly. She tried on the walrus costume (which is a tradition), but after wearing it for a few minutes she said, "Different one" and wanted to take it off. Hence, the bumble bee.

During the singing of Happy Birthday, Abby bowed her head and closed her eyes. She apparently was thinking it was some kind of prayer. It was quite cute. She perked up a bit to eat some of her cupcake, then declared "Want to sleep" and that was the end of that and she went to bed.

And here she is two years ago...

And one year ago...

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