Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Trip to the zoo

Today we spent a whopping 4 hours at the Minnesota Zoo. I was anticipating a trip of maybe 2 hours, but the kids were real troopers and really enjoyed themselves so we spent a lot of time there. Sam walked almost the entire time except for a short stint in the double stroller (with Matthew) when Abby was rebelling against sitting in the stroller. And by rebelling I mean screaming and thrashing about and making a general scene. She sure has a mind of her own these days and lets you know about it.

I haven't been the to zoo since I was 11 and it is a pretty amazing place. When I asked the kids what their favorite animals were they really couldn't say what they liked best. They were in awe of almost everything. Abby probably didn't like the monkey that jumped at her, hitting the window right next to where she was standing, as she cried a lot when that happened. Sam liked the Komodo Dragon which he told Jason was not the fire-breathing kind. Matthew seemed to like the goats and the farm part of the zoo best. He and Sam had loads of fun holding out their hands to the goats, pretending they had food, and watching the goats come over to them and stick their heads through the fence. They would erupt in laughter as they teased the goats.

Both Abby and Matthew meowed at the cougar and the lynx in the Minnesota exhibit. Sam howled at the wolves and coyotes and hooted at the owls. None of them animals meowed, or howled or hooted back. Maybe next time. My favorite were the grizzlies. They are just huge...and scary looking...but cool nonetheless. Abby frequently told the animals "Don't take my snack!" when we'd stop for a look and I'd reassure her that her snack was safe. She also said, as she grabbed my leg, "My mommy!" whenever another small child would walk close to me, which was often. Here are some pictures of our trip. The boys took a lot of the pictures as they really enjoy trying out the camera these days.

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