Thursday, August 11, 2011


Hi Boys, We've been talking about babies some these days for obvious reasons. Sam, a few days ago, you lifted up your shirt to show me the baby in your tummy. We'll see how that turns out. You frequently look for your little sister in my tummy and have yet to find her. Someday soon.

Matthew, you love books with babies in them. And mailings with babies in them (Babies R Us stuff, and other baby catalogs). And you're obsessed with a baby knitting book that I have.  I'm making the boys some vests to wear during the holidays. Anyway, whenever I get out my knitting book Matthew starts yelling and pointing, "Baby, baby!" And he puts up a big fuss if I don't give him the book. And I mean a big fuss. Matthew, you can really raise a ruckus when you want to which occurs when 1) you don't get what you want, 2) you can't get to where you want or 3) you can't reach/do/touch/play with/etc. what you want. The worst ruckus you raise these days occurs when I take away your toothbrush, though. I'm completely serious. I brush your teeth (I generally take your oral health seriously, unlike someone else...), then I let you chew on your toothbrush for awhile. Well, when I take it away it causes serious protests. The protests were so bad one night that I just let you take your toothbrush to bed. This afternoon when I was reading Sam some books before nap you disappeared from his room, which isn't all that uncommon as sometimes you go read books in your own room or otherwise entertain yourself. But today I found that you had climbing onto a stool and up onto the vanity and was chewing on your toothbrush. At least you didn't get hurt and you were happy. Maybe we should try bringing the toothbrush to church and see if that helps you to stay quiet...

Back to babies. Sam, you talk a lot about going to the hospital to get the baby and someday you will make the trek there, and I will be there waiting for you with your sister. Matthew, I'm not sure how that day will go. I have a feeling this will be a hard transition, but you are a pretty tough little guy. I hope your enthusiasm for babies extends toward your sister. Anyway, you are both my babies and always will be, love always, Mom

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