Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bath time, or maybe showers?

Hi boys, Jason and I have been trying to get you both to warm up to showers for a while. Matthew, you don't mind showers at this point, but you're much to unstable on slippery surfaces to really have you take a shower. And you're much to slippery to hold in a shower, too. And Sam, although you are stable on your feet (most of the time), you hate showers. In fact, when we took swimming lessons, I tried to shower you off once or twice and you shrieked and cried and in future swimming lessons you begged, pleaded and whined not to take a shower. So I generally haven't pushed it. Jason and I will occasionally ask if you want to take a shower, but that's about it. Lately, however, you've been much more interested in "showering." For you, showering involves taking a bath, and turning the water on to a trickle (out of the faucet, not the shower head) and putting you head under the cold trickle (you also prefer your baths cold). At times it gets in your eyes and I always have a towel ready for you to wipe off your eyes and hair. But you don't cry (which is a major change from previous showering experiences) and you're slowly acclimating yourself to showering.

Tonight during bathtime, Matthew, you grabbed the cup we fill with water to rinse during bath, and started filling it up and pouring it over your head. And you did that repeatedly, sometimes missing your head entirely, other times hitting your ear and other times pouring it squarely over your head, so water ran down your face. You didn't have any problem with that and even inspired Sam to try rinsing his own hair too. Fortunately we have another rinsing cup that Sam used to dump water over his head. Sam, you were amazed that Matthew didn't cry at all with having water in his face, and then you didn't cry either when water went in your face. You were both giggling and enjoying rinsing your hair. After awhile Matthew grabbed a washcloth, pretended to get some soap and then started scrubbing Sam's hair. Sam didn't mind that either and was quite tolerant of Matthew's cleaning efforts.

Tonight was probably the easiest bath I've ever given you two. You entertained each other, and were relatively innocuous in your entertainment (you didn't splash or stand) and just enjoyed each other and getting clean. And you rinsed yourselves and even scrubbed up yourselves. Matthew, you really love to scrub up, although we still need to work on getting areas other than your tummy scrubbed and you like to rub, rub, rub the tummy. It's a start. Anyway, maybe we can delay the showering for awhile. I had a fun time during bath and so did you. Love ya,

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